Kerry McAvoy, PhD
1 min readAug 4, 2020


I used to worry the library would run out of books for me to read. During summer break I often devoured one a day. I thought all the books ever written already existed. Lol. I didn’t know more were being written.

I also didn’t know I wanted to be a writer. I secretly hoped to see my name on a book spine, but I had no idea how it would get written since I hated creating school papers. If publishing was anything like that – forget it. No thanks!

I wasn’t one of those people who kept copious journals or diaries either, rather I outlined and created speeches, lectures, and sermons in my head as I exercised. I’ve be doing it for years. In fact I think it was that practice that gave me the ability to be a pantser and not a plotter. I learned the structure by listening to lectures and sermons and then copied the framework as I created my own content. Most never saw the light of day since over 99% of those were never put on paper. I did it just fun. Lol.

I agree that working with you, Meg Stewart, and Shaunta Grimes, as a part of Ninja Writers, has been a huge boon. I’ve learned so many great skills and gained too many fabulous income generating ideas. Now if I could only find enough hours in the day to implement them all!



Kerry McAvoy, PhD

Psychologist & Author of LOVE YOU MORE. Follow on Tiktok/IG for narcissistic abuse tips & advice. Email: