The Secret on How to Make Love Last a Lifetime

An open letter to my late husband on his birthday

Kerry McAvoy, PhD



Today is my first husband’s birthday. He passed away after a short battle with cancer June 2015. This letter is a tribute to him and to our love.

Open Letter

To my dearest Bradley,

Today would have been your fifty-seventh birthday. Since the boys and I can’t celebrate it with you, I hope Heaven is throwing you a huge party instead. Keep an eye out for the kiss I’m sending heaven bound just for you.

It hard to believe your battle with cancer ended nearly five years ago. Your absence has left a big hole in our family. There’s a hollowed look in the boys’ eyes. I do what I can, but it’s not the same. They need you, their father. I wished I knew how to fix the loss created by your death, but I will entrust it into God’s capable hands.

Speaking of our sons, you would be so proud of them. I remember how often you worried about the obstacles they faced in finding the right career. You wanted their road to be easier than yours. Maybe even to surpass your success.

So, you set high goals by expecting each one of them to get an education in an area of study most likely to offer employment. And, each summer you insisted that an…



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