Kerry McAvoy, PhD
1 min readMar 21, 2020


Wow!!! To use slang from the 1960–70’s, “Right on!”

No, I don’t see myself as damaged. Quite the opposite. The more aware or enlightened I become, the more I see and value my worth. My beauty.

Which then in turn heats a passion within me for justice and wholeness. For shalom, in the truest sense of the word.

I agree, that’s what separates real healing from being defeated by shame. Healing sets you free where’s disparagement deflates and imprisons you further.

Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve been feeling it but hadn’t made the connection. That was a big “ah-ha!” for me.

We are all shades of gray, and daily making decisions that move us closer to redemption or destruction. It’s enough to hold myself to the task at hand, then to walk around and play judge. I’m entrusting that onerous task to God.

If I get my eyes off of that eternal perspective I will become afraid and fall prey to a scarcity mindset, which just might lead me to hoarding toilet paper! Even in days like these I must trust in the sufficiency and abundance of God. In all things, including the likelihood of future companionship.

Great discussion. Thank you so much!



Kerry McAvoy, PhD

Psychologist & Author of LOVE YOU MORE. Follow on Tiktok/IG for narcissistic abuse tips & advice. Email: